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Hello - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I found your wedding ring. I can't believe it. It made me so happy. Bittersweet but still happy. Back together again. No matter what - I'm forever yours, faithfully.






Hello again my love.


There is so much I want to say. I just don't know what to say anymore. I sound like a broken record. I can't go on this way. With so much guilt. The pain in my heart alone kills me nevermind the guilt. I dreamed about you for the first time in almost a year. It was 3/14 - it was nothing magical or mysterious. It was just me and you in our daily life or the life that we once had. We were both laughing and joking around. I could hear your voice !! I woke up and I could hear it for another hour as if you were still in the room. You didn't deserve this!


I miss you -


Love you forever







Hi Hon,


The last few days it as been beautiful out. I have been driving with the top down another bittersweet moment. I can't believe that it is getting closer to that 1 year mark. In just 11 days it would have been your 44th birthday. Another milestone of days I wish would never have to come.  It's like I am getting closer to being even further away from you. Right now I can sit here and think what WE were doing on this date last year. What happens after May 4th? It's like you have been erased from existance but not from my heart. I'd do anything to bring you back..  My love I still miss you .. I will always love you. XOXO


Hello my love,


I can't believe it has been so long.  I can't believe almost a year of my life has passed and you haven't been here. It feels like it is one long day that never ends. It feels like I am stuck somewhere, that I am stuck nowhere.


Your scent is leaving which is what I dreaded the most.  Even with how carefully I wanted to save it, it is fading. But my love for you does not. Everyday I stare at you picture, I am still waiting for you to call my name and just like everyother day... nothing happens.  I still wait for you to visit me in my dreams, and still nothing. I am waiting for our second chance. My second chance to be a better wife to you. A second chance to be a better friend, still nothing.


Is this how you felt? Is this how alone I made you feel? If it is I deserve this. If it is I am so sorry, hon. I can only feel your disappointment with me.


I have spent allthe money and I still don't know what to do with myself. Everyone has moved on, but I don't want to.

Life just isn't worth living without you. It seems like such a waste to repeat it day after day.  I love you.


Always Remember...






Hi Vin -


I know you always hated Valentine's Day - but I now hate it too. This day is no different than another. Today did make me think of another thing we missed. The only time we ever slow danced was out our wedding. How sad I let that by. I wish that we could do it one last time.


I love you!

Always yours


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