Stacey | Forever & Always | May 3, 2009 |
Roger Gosnells mom | Happy Easter | April 7, 2009 |
Stacey | To My Love | February 10, 2009 |
To My Love:
I miss you! I love you! I still can’t believe you’re not here.
I miss your touch, your smell, and your voice.
Why did you have to go and leave me here?
I hate sleeping in the bed without you. I fold the blanket over your pillows so that I don’t disturb your side.
I know how you hate it when I steal the covers so I make sure not touch yours and to stay on my own side.
The garage is still the way you left it, although I have had to use a few of your tools.
Don’t’ worry I put them back where I found them, probably not as perfect as you.
I am trying to take care of the motorcycle and your truck but you know that was always your thing.
I have been searching everywhere but I’m sorry hon, I still can’t find your wedding ring.
I wish I had been a better wife, I wish we would have tried to start a family earlier.
You always think it is not the right time I would do anything to make that choice over.
I tried to keep all of my promises. The watch was one day late.
I tried to make everything perfect right until the end, but like you always said, too little, too late.
I will love and remember you forever. You are forever and always my best friend.
I want my life to pass by quickly so that when I die and you see me, you wouldn’t have forgotten me by then.
We don’t have enough pictures, and now it’s just too late.
All I have is your memory, I think often about the wedding and frequently about our first Montauk date.
I still have all the cards and letters you have ever sent me, but the one I read most often is the last.
When I found it I was surprised, how slowly since then the time has passed.
You wrote it six days before that horrible day.
Is there something you are trying to tell me did I miss what you were trying to say?
Your favorite blue shirt hangs in my closet; you know that one you like to wear.
We used to fight over sweat pants and t-shirts but now it just doesn’t seem fair.
Your hat is where you left it I’m sorry I just couldn’t let you have it.
No one is allowed in your room, especially in your closet.
Moma cries and looks for you every day – Callie does too.
Both Peg and Fran walk around the house talking to your picture just as I do.
I hate waking up every morning I hope that one day I just don’t.
My life and dreams died with you in our “fucking dream house” so tell me really what is the fucking point?
Why didn’t I say I love you more? Why didn’t I make more time?
I never thought that when I said goodnight to you, it would be for the very last time.
You were right when you told me I would be sorry when you were gone.
It is true what they say... you really don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.
I need for you to give me advice and tell me what to do.
I know we always fought about it but in the end you know I always did what you wanted me to do.
It was the first week in May in 2000 that we moved to
Who would have known that exactly 8 years later I’d be bringing you back to
You don’t visit me in my dreams I don’t see you in our house.
I am coming to realize that maybe you are still made at me, and that I truly am all by myself.
I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me I know I let you down.
Selfish as always thinking of me first, I just wasn’t around.
I will never forget that May night when our life together ended.
I don’t care what they all say I need you here!! They don’t need you in heaven.
When I close my eyes at night I hear and see what I saw then.
The emptiness that I saw in your eyes the last breathe I heard when I pushed on your chest.
I hope you are at peace my love – your heart and mind finally at rest.
I love you.
Forever and Always Yours