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Stacey ..... August 29, 2018
Hi Vin

So after all of that getting a new job staying working for my boss he gave his notice. In addition they gave out one of those Warn Act notice just like before so who's the idiot this time. 

I am so pissed off and I have no words. Is it ever going to get any easier ? I wish you were here so I can make the decision to leave and we could do it together. 

Don't know what the future will bring but I do know that I miss you and I love you forever
Stacey ..... July 31, 2018
Hi Vin
How are you my love ? Well it seems my new promotion was short-lived since the company I work for just filed for bankruptcy. I swear the world is always against us. Missing you.. I'm glad you're not here to see me fail again though. 

I love you forever
Stacey ..... July 14, 2018
Hello my love.

I got a promotion this week if you want to call it that. Kind of another let down but it is what it is. Yesterday today and forever.. 

Stacey Another July 6, 2018
Hi Vin..

Some news to share.. another grandchild!! I wish you were here to see Aurora and the new baby on the way. Although it makes me so happy still makes me so sad.  I love you and miss you so much.  XXOO
Stacey Pepe 10 yr angelversary May 4, 2018
How can it be that 10 years has passed ? How can it be that after 10 years I'm still sitting here waiting for you to come  home? How can it be after 10 years but it feels like just yesterday ? How can it be that I've managed to go on without you ? When will I ever see you again ?

If it's possible to miss somebody too much I may be at that point. In more ways then not I haven't gone on with my life I'm just going through the motions for lack of a better term. I can't believe it's been a whole decade since I've seen you. How can it be that 10 years of my life has passed by without you ? Why does my mind think I'm younger but my body know I'm older ?

Where would we be now what would we have accomplished ? Just want you to know today and and everyday I think about you I love you and you are not forgotten. Pictures of you hang in our bedroom in our living room and kitchen. I I still talk about you often say your name all the time. I tell stories about us and what we've done what we wanted to do and what we didn't do. I also repeat the stories you told me about your life before me. If speaking about you and our memories keeps you in the present then I know you're here with me. I just wish I could feel you to know you're there.
Forever my love.

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